Presentation of the Citizenship and Status Act


High Lord of All Administrators
Oct 2, 2020
Speaker, I present to you the Following:



To repeal and replace the Citizenship Act and the Honorary Citizenship Act, combinining their provisions into one statute, and to amend the Criminal Code Act.
Introduced into the Senate of the Union of Democratic States on the 9th of March, 2022, by Glaciosia and Guess and Check
As follows:

BELIEVNG the Citizenship Act to be a noble attempt to fulfill the Union’s requirements for such a statute;
UNDERSTANDNG the importance of preserving the highest quality of legislation;
UNDERTAKING the task of updating our legislation for new legal paradigms;

Section I: Definitions & Short Title

1. The Oath is the official statement of allegiance to the Union of Democratic States and is cited as follows: "I do solemnly swear that I bear true allegiance to the Union of Democratic States, that I will faithfully obey and have read the laws and Constitution of the Union, and that I will never deceive, disrespect, damage, or otherwise neglect the Union of Democratic States."

2. The “Applicant” is the resident nation that is applying or has applied for Citizenship in the Union of Democratic States.

3. For the purposes of this act, the “Ministry of the Census” and the “Minister of the Census” are the Ministry and Minister, respectively, empowered by the President to process Citizenship Applications and records.

4. The “Region” is the “The Union of Democratic States” region on NationStates.

5. A “Resident” is a person solely controlling a nation within the Region.

6. A Resident’s “Resident Nation” is the nation which they control within the region.

7. This act may be referred to as the “Citizenship and Status Act”

Section II: Application Process

1. A Resident may apply for Citizenship within the Union of Democratic States.

2. A valid application shall follow the process as established by the Executive and include the Applicant’s:
a. Resident Nation
b. Other nations
c. Explicit agreement to the Oath, as provided for in the application.
d . Any other items as established by Executive Order.

3. The Executive shall establish a policy for the acceptance of Citizenship Applications that protects the Union’s values, security and integrity. This must be applied in a reasonable and fair manner.

4. An Applicant may appeal the denial of their application to the Supreme Court, who may overturn it by an unanimous decision.

5. Upon approval or denial of an application, a notification on the forum and NationStates shall be made. Any denial of an application shall be given with a clear and public explanation of the reasoning for such denial.

6. An Applicant becomes a Citizen immediately upon the approval of their Application.

7. An accurate and public record of the Union of Democratic States’ Citizenship Roster must be maintained by the Ministry of the Census, containing Citizen’s Resident Nation and all other information required for the implementation of this and other laws.

Section III: Residency, Citizenship and Honorary Citizenship

1. A person whose Resident Nation does not exist within the Region shall no longer be a Resident.

2. Unless a request to change Resident Nations is submitted to the Ministry of the Census, a Citizen's Resident Nation shall be maintained as their Resident Nation at the time of application.

3. Citizens must maintain Residency in the Union of Democratic States to exercise the rights of Citizenship.
a. This does not preclude a Citizen engaging in legal action to restore their residency through the Supreme Court, or a Citizen from exercising their rights should their Resident Nation be illegally removed.
b. This shall not in itself result in the removal from office of a non-Resident Citizen.

5. Following a reasonable amount of time, the Ministry may revoke the Citizenship of non-Resident Citizens, but shall retain a record of their Citizenship.

6. At the initiative of the Executive, Citizenship acquired through a falsified or otherwise invalid application may be annulled through a court case.

7. In the absence of extenuating circumstances, the Ministry of the Census shall approve the Citizenship Applications of former Citizens who lost Citizenship due to their loss of Residency.

8. Individuals who have served the Union in an exceptional manner may be granted Honorary Citizenship.

9. Individuals may be granted or rescinded Honorary Citizenship after a Motion in the Senate is passed to this effect and is assented to by the President.

10. Holders of Honorary Citizenship may, without needing to hold citizenship, participate in the region as a citizen or resident would be able to except in cases of governance. These exceptions include, but are not limited to, voting in elections and acting as government agents or officials.

11. The President shall maintain a Hall of Fame for all current Honorary Citizens.

Section IV: Implementation

1. The Honorary Citizenship Act is repealed.
A. All grants of Honorary Citizenship shall continue to be valid.

2. A subclause shall be inserted before Section 2, Clause 1, Subclause 4 of the Criminal Code Act reading “The Revocation of Citizenship, and the permanent or temporary proscription from applying for or receiving Citizenship”
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To repeal and replace the Citizenship Act and the Honorary Citizenship Act, combinining their provisions into one statute, and to amend the Criminal Code Act.
Introduced into the Senate of the Union of Democratic States on the 9th of March, 2022, by Glaciosia and Guess and Check
As follows:
[I]BELIEVNG the Citizenship Act to be a noble attempt to fulfill the Union’s requirements for such a statute;
UNDERSTANDNG the importance of preserving the highest quality of legislation;
UNDERTAKING the task of updating our legislation for new legal paradigms;[/I]

[B]Section I: Definitions & Short Title[/B]

1. The Oath is the official statement of allegiance to the Union of Democratic States and is cited as follows: "I do solemnly swear that I bear true allegiance to the Union of Democratic States, that I will faithfully obey and have read the laws and Constitution of the Union, and that I will never deceive, disrespect, damage, or otherwise neglect the Union of Democratic States."

2. The “Applicant” is the resident nation that is applying or has applied for Citizenship in the Union of Democratic States.

3. For the purposes of this act, the “Ministry of the Census” and the “Minister of the Census” are the Ministry and Minister, respectively, empowered by the President to process Citizenship Applications and records.

4. The “Region” is the “The Union of Democratic States” region on NationStates.

5. A “Resident” is a person solely controlling a nation within the Region.

6.  A Resident’s “Resident Nation” is the nation which they control within the region.

7. This act may be referred to as the “Citizenship and Status Act”

[B]Section II: Application Process[/B]

1. A Resident may apply for Citizenship within the Union of Democratic States.

2. A valid application shall follow the process as established by the Executive and include the Applicant’s:
a. Resident Nation
b. Other nations
c. Explicit agreement to the Oath, as provided for in the application.
d . Any other items as established by Executive Order.

3. The Executive shall establish a policy for the acceptance of Citizenship Applications that protects the Union’s values, security and integrity. This must be applied in a reasonable and fair manner.

4. An Applicant may appeal the denial of their application to the Supreme Court, who may overturn it by an unanimous decision.

5. Upon approval or denial of an application, a notification on the forum and NationStates shall be made. Any denial of an application shall be given with a clear and public explanation of the reasoning for such denial.

6. An Applicant becomes a Citizen immediately upon the approval of their Application.

7. An accurate and public record of the Union of Democratic States’ Citizenship Roster must be maintained by the Ministry of the Census, containing Citizen’s Resident Nation and all other information required for the implementation of this and other laws.

[B]Section III: Residency, Citizenship and Honorary Citizenship[/B]

1. A person whose Resident Nation does not exist within the Region shall no longer be a Resident.

2. Unless a request to change Resident Nations is submitted to the Ministry of the Census, a Citizen's Resident Nation shall be maintained as their Resident Nation at the time of application.

3. Citizens must maintain Residency in the Union of Democratic States to exercise the rights of Citizenship.
a. This does not preclude a Citizen engaging in legal action to restore their residency through the Supreme Court, or a Citizen from exercising their rights should their Resident Nation be illegally removed.
b. This shall not in itself result in the removal from office of a non-Resident Citizen.

5. Following a reasonable amount of time, the Ministry may revoke the Citizenship of non-Resident Citizens, but shall retain a record of their Citizenship.

6. At the initiative of the Executive, Citizenship acquired through a falsified or otherwise invalid application may be annulled through a court case.

7. In the absence of extenuating circumstances, the Ministry of the Census shall approve the Citizenship Applications of former Citizens who lost Citizenship due to their loss of Residency.

8. Individuals who have served the Union in an exceptional manner may be granted Honorary Citizenship.

9. Individuals may be granted or rescinded Honorary Citizenship after a Motion in the Senate is passed to this effect and is assented to by the President.

10. Holders of Honorary Citizenship may, without needing to hold citizenship, participate in the region as a citizen or resident would be able to except in cases of governance. These exceptions include, but are not limited to, voting in elections and acting as government agents or officials.

11. The President shall maintain a Hall of Fame for all current Honorary Citizens.

[B]Section IV: Implementation[/B]

1. The Honorary Citizenship Act is repealed.
A. All grants of Honorary Citizenship shall continue to be valid.

2. A subclause shall be inserted before Section 2, Clause 1, Subclause 4 of the Criminal Code Act reading “The Revocation of Citizenship, and the permanent or temporary proscription from applying for or receiving Citizenship”