Passed Nomination of Nuevo San Miguel as a Minister of Culture

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Nuevo San Miguel

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2020
Per President Druing,

"I hereby nominate Nuevo San Miguel as a Minister of Culture, to serve with the following portfolio: as a minister they shall coordinate celebrations and events, internally and with friendly regions abroad; manage and promote the Unioncraft Minecraft server; manage and promote the Union’s roleplay communities on discord, nationstates and the forums; establish cultural, literary and entertainment events and programs as they see fit under the direction of the President; advise the President and manage the operations of their ministry."

I now open for debate the nomination of NSM as Minister of Culture until November 5th, 2020 at 3PM EST.
I don’t really know much about this office, so I think my question is this, what does this office entails?
I don’t really know much about this office, so I think my question is this, what does this office entails?
Of course! In short, the Ministry of Culture is concerned with the more fun/cultural events of the region, including but not limited to the Roleplaying server, our Minecraft server, and the game nights. We also handle inter-regional events with the support of the Foreign Affairs ministry to increase our relations. Basically, we handle all of the fun stuff :p
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Do you have any ideas for celebrations and the like?
Not as of right now, I currently plan to just continue game nights and the usual duties with the RP and Unioncraft. But I hope to introduce soon a plan to revamp the ministry and increase regional engagement.
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Well I don’t know what else to ask. Waroklion it’s up to you now.
So I realize the MoC has traditionally been focused on the RP server, and I would love to change that. I believe the MoC serves an important role in the region as a casual form of engagement, and to that end, I have a few plans for transforming the Ministry should I get confirmed:

1. The RP server has done fantastically up until now thanks in no small part to the previous minister and current staff. I believe allowing the RP server to continue to run autonomously will not only ensure it's quality, but it will also free up the Ministry to focus on other aspects of regional engagement.

2. Game nights have been fun but have been held inconsistently with lower than expected turnout. This is of course due to RL obligations and time, but after gauging whether there is an appropriate desire for them, I believe holding more varied games, consistent hosting, and appropriate advertisement within the region may boost the number of players.

3. A big project of mine is to either create a forum-rp or transfer our current RMB roleplay to the forums. I think with the current switch to the new forums, this is an opportune moment that we should take advantage of to increase government and cross-platform engagement, connecting our on-site and forum communities.

4. A small project I would like to try would be to coordinate with the Foreign Affairs Ministry to create inter-regional events and become more active internationally. This is more of a side-project and would of course require further communication.

5. Finally I also wish to engage the Unioncraft server more, possibly with weekly or monthly events and constructive projects, as I believe those are when the server becomes more active

This is my general plan for the MoC, I'm planning to create a more detailed plan in the future
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The hearing period is now over. Voting shall commence now until November 9th, at 3 PM EST.
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