Passed Nomination of Guess and Check as a Minister of Justice and Attorney General

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Nuevo San Miguel

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2020
Per President Druing,

"I hereby nominate Guess and Check as a Minister of Justice and Attorney General, to serve with the following portfolio: A Minister, they shall investigate and prosecute criminal wrongdoing within the bounds of the law, spread information about the law and its structure and writing, educate the Union’s prospective attorneys and legal scholars, and advise the President on all legal matters, including the constitutionality of laws to be signed."

I now open for debate the nomination of Guess and Check/Zukchiva as Minister of Justice until November 5th, 2020, at 3PM EST.
what were your views regarding the defeated Judicial Bill? What will you do about the Union Bar Association?
[box]What were your views regarding the defeated Judicial Bill?[/box] The first thing is that I believe the bill needs fixing in a lot of areas. For example, it can be more specific with how long turns during trials are, fixing up the investigative processes, removing any mention of secret investigations (because why are those necessary), and clarifying appeal procedures.

In other words, it would have needed a lot of reform.

The second thing is that I do not like how the bill was rushed through the GA, with the draft only being presented on Discord for like a week with many people not really happy with it. Yet, the author pushed it into the GA docket anyways.

This is worsened by the fact that there is already a much more developed and debated Judicial Bill draft made by Kang and Glac. While it has not seen much action in recent days, it is already a better bill than the defeated version by Blurts. The fact that the author, Blurts, tried to pass his own version (especially when there is no specific rush), rather than working with Kang and Glac on their version of the Act, makes me view the defeated Judicial Bill act in a negative light.

So overall, I didn’t like the Act. While it had a basic concept, it was very rushed, which is not a good thing to do with legislation, especially when there is no specific need to be rushing such legislation.

[box]What will you do about the Union Bar Association?[/box]Well, I do want to form it. I am just unsure where I want to specifically take it.

Under Minister of Justice Britallia, the UBA was shaping up to be a legal test which could gauge the legal knowledge of citizens, so that the court could pick prosecutors from that pool.

However, following the becoming of Asdersland as Minister of Justice, the UBA has now taken a leap from being a “mere” difficult test of legal knowledge to becoming something sort of a law school to train future lawyers, as far as I understand it.

I am also aware that Druing has some form of plan for the Ministry of Justice, although as of now I am not aware of the specifics of said plan.

So given all of these factors, I simply do not really know. I will need more time to access the situation and see what everyone wants, and work off based on that. I know for a fact that Glac has been working on the UBA for over a couple of months, and I don’t want to waste his work afterall. And Druing is the President, so their plans are also important in the UBA’s formation.


[box]What do you want to accomplish with this position?[/box]Well, the primary thing is to get the UBA set up this term. That’s what I want to accomplish. Whether it is plausible or not depends on the scope of everyone’s plans, but hopefully it will be doable. However we are going to do that is, again, based on a variety of factors I have to discover.

I don’t have any specific ideas beyond that, to be frank.
People not being happy and the the draft coming only a week before it was presented in the GA is, on the face of it, not illegal. But I agree it is not morally right. What do you think should be changed to dissuade people from rushing bills through the GA?
Quite frankly, I am unsure if we can do anything legally that would not give someone too much power. I believe the social construct (or custom, if you will) of expecting laws to be drafted well before being presented should be upheld.

The only idea I have in this regard is to, mayhaps, make it so that all legal drafts are placed in a public drafting area for maybe a week, so that they can be more easily debated and amended. Then, once the week expires, the drafts start their way down the official legislative process. This is just a theoretical concept, but it may ensure that better-drafted bills reach the halls of our legislature.
The hearing period is now over. Voting shall commence now until November 9th, at 3 PM EST.
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