Navolato Citizenship Application

  • Hey, Guest! We recently upgraded our forum to 2.3.0. The style (theme) that we were using was out of date, so we had to revert back to our old style. There may be some issues (asides from those apparently obvious) that will need to be sorted out. Please be patient!


New member
Sep 4, 2023
  1. They/Them
Your Nation?:

Other Nations/Aliases?:


What's your World Assembly status? No Membership (You're not in the World Assembly yet, consider applying!)
Do you have Discord?


How long have you been inside the UDS? I’m new
How did you hear about us?

By recruiting telegram


I, The Community of Navolato, do solemnly swear that I bear true allegiance to the Union of Democratic States, that I will faithfully obey and have read the laws and Constitution of the Union, and that I will never deceive, disrespect, damage, or otherwise neglect the Union of Democratic States

Denied by: Phoenix
Your nation isn't in the UDS. Denied, please fix this and reapply.
Your Nation?:

Other Nations/Aliases?:


What's your World Assembly status? No Membership (You're not in the World Assembly yet, consider applying!)
Do you have Discord?


How long have you been inside the UDS? I’m new
How did you hear about us?

By recruiting telegram


I, The Community of Navolato, do solemnly swear that I bear true allegiance to the Union of Democratic States, that I will faithfully obey and have read the laws and Constitution of the Union, and that I will never deceive, disrespect, damage, or otherwise neglect the Union of Democratic States

Denied by: Phoenix