Passed Legislative Report Act 2021

The Speaker or Chairperson may assign this to a thread that has passed their respective house's legislative process.
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The Devil
Executive Cabinet
Oct 25, 2020
Legislative Report Act 2021
-Sponsored by Sacento

BELIEVING that the citizens and residents of this union should have easy access to the doings of their legislature and to understand the effects.
UNDERSTANDING that legislation can be difficult and convoluted to read and decipher.
REALISING that this could be solved by creating a joint legislative report.


Section 1:
1. Upon the end of a senate term and the beginning of the legislature’s recess, the Deputy Speaker of the Senate and Deputy Chairperson of the General Assembly will create a report of the doings of the legislature and describe the effects of each bill passed.
2. The report will be posted to discord, forum and NationStates via a dispatch every two months, its release will coincide with the release of that month's executive report.
3. In the event that either the Deputy Speaker of Deputy Chairperson or both are on a leave of absence at the time of writing the report then their superiors will take over that term's legislative report.
4. The report must first be approved by both the Speaker and the Chairperson before being published to the general citizenry.
This is a simple bill that its main goal is to inform the residents and citizens of the workings of the legislature in a simple fashion. I will answer any questions I can. I yield the rest of my time.
I have no doubt whatsoever that this is crucial, I also like that the Deputies get to do something
I am willing to lend it my support provided that it is repealed if it losses traction over time.
If it suffers a fate of being ignored and forgotten then Iwould support a repeal, at least after trying a small bit to revamp it.
Intentionally ignoring the responsibility of creating the report repeatably would surely constitute malfeasance, so I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that
I don’t think malfeasance is a strong enough deterrent
I would like to remind you that it is a felony which can be punished by temporary bankshment either from government positions or from the region in general so I think that most deputies in the foreseeable future would like to avoid such charges. That is of course assuming that the Judiciary goes after them, but still I don’t think any of the deputies will take their responsibility lightly
The deputies seem to be cool people capable of writing a report
I believe we can move to voting/amendments at this time

The ayes have it, debate is closed and I hereby open the amendment period.
None from me. Content in current form.
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