Introduction to Defending Lesson Two: Introduction to Updating Basics


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2020
Greetings again my friends. Today we will be briefly discussing the art of updating, and what exactly it means to be an effective updater. As you’ll remember, updates are the time in which defenders and raiders fight for supremacy within regions in the WA delegacy. We will now briefly define and then expand upon what the key elements of these updates are for defenders. To begin with, we’ll start with prep work

Prep work is very simple. Creating a bunch of nations, applying all of those nations to the World Assembly, and having them all ready to go at a moment's notice.Nations can only update once per update(obviously) so when the nation updates inside of a region, it is effectively burned and can no longer be used for operations during that update. As such, it is important to have multiple nations ready in case of bans(in the sense of liberations) or for switching when you successfully defend(or update inside of) a raider’s targeted region. From here, let’s briefly touch on Crossing

Crossing is a very simply defined action as endorsing your point and all nations endorsing it. The point, or cross, is simply just a nation that is the defenders answer to the lead point of raiders. Oftentimes, the cross is simply the person who switches between WA nations the quickest, but more or less is typically the most successful and fastest updater in the bunch. While the ultimate goal should always be to endorse every possible nation, it is not always possible to do so, in which case you should endorse as many as possible before moving into the target region(which is why your prep work, and being early/as fast as possible, is extremely important.) For our next mini-topic, let’s talk about Spotting.

In it’s simplest form, spotting is quite simply seeing raider nations join the World Assembly. From the moment of their joining, they will endorse their “point” or the lead for their operations, and eventually attempt to move into the target region. As defenders, the purpose of spotting is to know exactly who it is that we are following into the regions. As such, we use the nationstates tool known as the dossier to keep up to date by the second on what the raider nations are. Spotting is the earliest form of live update activity, and quite often one of the most important steps in being successful as an updating force. Next, let’s talk about chasing in a slightly more narrow sense.

As a whole, chasing is a very simple concept: follow the enemy into the region that they go into. But breaking it down into the minute details are where it oftentimes gets complicated and frustrating for newer defenders. In your first several updates, the most important thing in chasing is to have your endorsements and dossiers as quickly as possible. If that means only getting two endorsements before your move, so be it. What’s important is learning the muscle memory of refreshing the required pages and following the moment you see the dossed nation move. Until you are more comfortable and experienced with updates, specifically chasing, the best course of action is to only use the basics.

Now, unfortunately, without seeing this action, a lot of these words are fairly empty. So let’s use an example, so let’s show a few examples from tonight’s major update.

4/12/2023, 11:13:31 PM CDT: The Poker 7 endorsed West79.
4/12/2023, 11:13:24 PM CDT: To Be Announced endorsed West79.
4/12/2023, 11:13:14 PM CDT: West79 endorsed The Poker 7.
4/12/2023, 11:13:00 PM CDT: Extended SDPC-Spin endorsed West79.
4/12/2023, 11:12:58 PM CDT: Warden Drake dodged left and right as he endorsed West79.
4/12/2023, 11:12:48 PM CDT: West79 endorsed Purge Them All XIX.
4/12/2023, 11:12:48 PM CDT: West79 endorsed Vlast 16.
4/12/2023, 11:12:48 PM CDT: West79 endorsed RANDPUAL.
4/12/2023, 11:12:48 PM CDT: West79 endorsed Warden Drake dodged left and right as he.
4/12/2023, 11:12:47 PM CDT: West79 endorsed Aqua Necklace.
4/12/2023, 11:12:46 PM CDT: Vlast 16 endorsed West79.

Take this update log from West79(special thanks to Westinor for being the easiest one to find) here we have great examples of Cross endorsing. With this amount of endorsements West has here, along with the endorsing as many people as those endorsing them, it is clear that the defenders here have a strong sense of the importance of crossing.

A great example of spotting is this right here:
“Seconds ago: Meep12 was admitted to the World Assembly.” now Meep12 is a commonly known switcher for a raider, and is located in a region that is commonly used as a “jump point” for raiders as well(jump point simply meaning a late updating region that acts as the center of operations)

These two examples are the two most important things for new defenders to learn. Who the enemy groups are, and how to properly cross in order to ensure the highest possibility of success.

In the next lesson, we’ll go over liberations and detags in a more detailed way for execution compared to our previous’ lesson’s definition role.