Executive Affairs Act


High Lord of All Administrators
Oct 2, 2020
Mr Speaker, I introduce the following bill:

[CENTER][IMG width="164px"]https://i.theuds.org/images/2020/12/12/Coat_of_Arms_UDS.png[/IMG]
To enact the bill "An Act to Regulate the Affairs of the Executive, Reform Ministries and Provide for a Specific Legislative Mechanism to Establish Them"
Introduced into the Senate of the Union of Democratic States by Glaciosia on the 30th of December, 2021
As follows:
[I]BELIEVING the Ministries Act to be in need of reform;
UNDERSTANDING the complexities of the Executive Branch;
[B]Section 1. Short Title [/B]
1. The short title for this act is "Executive Affairs Act"
[B]Section 2. Executive Duties and Privileges[/B]
1. The President may establish programs for the betterment of the Union.
2. The President and Ministers shall answer in a timely manner questions posed by Citizens regarding Executive actions.
a. This shall not extend to sensitive information related to an ongoing investigation, foreign affairs or military issues. This protection shall be balanced against public interest.
b. The Supreme Court may order the Executive to release information. Failure to follow said order can result in removal from office by the Senate.
3. The President shall produce a report on the state of the Union and the Executive at least once a month.
[B]Section 3. Executive Orders and Policies[/B]
1. Executive Orders must be published on the regional forums.
2. Executive Orders issued by a Minister or their Designee shall be labelled as Ministerial Orders, and state the source of their authority and which Ministry issued them in their text.
3. Should an area of legislative discretion be delegated by law to the President, this area of discretion may be designated by law as one to be regulated by an Executive Policy.
a. The President may create, amend or abolish such a policy by an Executive Order.
[B]Section 4. Ministries[/B]
1. The President may establish, abolish, and alter Ministries by Executive Order.
a. The President shall establish the extent of the authority granted to the Ministry through the Order establishing it.
b. The President may not abolish or alter a Ministry established by law unless this is provided for in the law establishing it.
2. Ministers shall be appointed to lead a specific Ministry.
3. Deputy Ministers may be appointed by Ministers, and may act in their place when their Ministers are unable to act and/or oversee specific departments or programs of the Ministries .
4. Ministries may appoint Citizens as Ministerial Assistants to assist in MinisterialMinistrial work.
5. The President shall maintain a publicly available listing of Ministries, their roster and duties, and provide for a process of application to available positions within those Ministries.
[B]Section 5. Establishment of Ministries[/B]
1. All Ministries currently extant shall remain so until they are abolished or altered.
[B]Section 6. Provisions[/B]
1. UL-003, “The Ministries Act” is hereby repealed.
2. The establishment by law of any Ministry shall be conducted by an amendment to Section 4 of this statute.