Dr.Orvos - Ministry of Culture Application

  • Hey, Guest! We recently upgraded our forum to 2.3.0. The style (theme) that we were using was out of date, so we had to revert back to our old style. There may be some issues (asides from those apparently obvious) that will need to be sorted out. Please be patient!


Executive Cabinet
Feb 22, 2021


Ministry Application Form
Basic Information

What is your nation's name?: The Roman Federation of Soissons
What is your Discord username?: orvos.
What are other names or aliases are you known by?:

Orvos, Dr.Orvos, Pelangia
What Ministry are you applying for?: Ministry of Culture

Ministry Specific Information

What position within Culture interests you?: Offsite Event Planner

Do you have any prior experience with Culture?:

Not much here in UDS beyond the Deran 1st Anniversary event I hosted (a session of King of the Castle game), but in FNR/FNF I have been Minister of Culture multiple times, so much so that one time I managed to stay the Minister of Culture there for a entire 1 year at one point, I know how to organize events such as gaming events and others type of events such as writing events.
Approved by: Phoenix
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Reactions: Phoenix