[Discussion] Organizing Union News

  • Hey, Guest! We recently upgraded our forum to 2.3.0. The style (theme) that we were using was out of date, so we had to revert back to our old style. There may be some issues (asides from those apparently obvious) that will need to be sorted out. Please be patient!


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2015
The UDS Admin Team is committed to hearing the voice of the people on matters concerning server infrastructure and layout. The Statement Regarding the Role of the Administrative Team states that "Although the relationship between administration and government is non-negotiable, the people are not voiceless. It is imperative that the citizens of the region give consistent feedback on the handling of cases and hold the administrative team to account when they feel that the administrative team has overreached. The people can hold the administrative team to accountable by honestly discussing their thoughts." The UDS Admin Team would like to hear from both the public and newspaper publishers regarding their thoughts on establishing a newspaper announcements channel and a newspaper discussion channel on discord given the apparent inactivity of the six current distinct newspaper channels and the need to balance free press with efficient use of channels. The UDS Admin Team will be considering all sides of this debate as presented in this thread from now until Friday March 20th, at which time the Admin Team will internally discuss and adopt a path forward.

Following this post, the following posts were made in this thread:
Drawception said:
Considering Zaegrad's relative inactivity on all matters UDS, I have assumed the role of administration for the Union Drama. I hereby voice my support of the consolidation of the news into one channel. I will also declare to the members of the UD staff that within those two channels, company policy is in effect.

-Hacim42, Drawception, GTHS
Glaciosia said:
As publisher of the Union Free Press, I would like to formally object to this change. The individual channels are the best way fro newspapers to engage with the public, and the best way for the public to engage with papers. I would be greatly disappointed if this change would go into effect.

Ark said:
Glaciosia said:
As publisher of the Union Free Press, I would like to formally object to this change. The individual channels are the best way fro newspapers to engage with the public, and the best way for the public to engage with papers. I would be greatly disappointed if this change would go into effect.

Could you elaborate, Glac? When we discussed this potential change on discord you seemed mostly opposed to it on the basis that it was “aesthetic.” I still do not fully understand your reasoning, beyond the basic fashion-over-function argument. It should be noted that individual news stands would still be welcome on the forums, where interaction is typically much more substantive and organized than on discord anyway. We would likely even be willing to pin a link to each news organization’s forum page in the news channel, if that sweetens the deal at all.
Comlogical said:
In favor.

As the editor-in-chief of the Flaming Truth, I feel that there's a need for reintegration for all things journalism. I'd like pinning powers in the announcements channel though. If the Admin team decides to implement these changes, I would like to ask for a 3-day grace period so I could backup my stuff in #the-flaming-truth before it's gonna get erased.
Firseria said:
I don't run any newspapers (yet) but I'm in favor of this. Since the forums will be unaffected newspapers will still have a place to be separate while leaving the discord channels better organized.
I agree with this. There's no point in having a bunch of inactive news channels. Should we have an active news scene I think it'd make sense to bring channels back, but for now I think a newspaper announcement & discussion channels are an excellent idea.

Speaking for EDN's inactivity for posterity, I haven't really felt there was anything worthwhile to write about which is why not much writing has been made.
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But seriously, I want to restart my interviews. It would also be good if we include it in the Embassy Update.