Passed Confirmation Hearing of Kingdom of Sacento as Minister of Culture

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The Devil
Oct 25, 2020
Honourable Kron, President of the Union of Democratic States has nominated Sacento to serve as Minister of Culture. This is his confirmation hearing.
I invite the Sponsors to make their opening statements.
I yield my time, Sacento is a great member of the region
Ask me any questions if you must and I'll answer the best I can. I yield my time.
Now that the Minister of Roleplay has been established, what will you do to move the MoCul away from RP?
I don't really like the rhetoric that Culture was/is mainly rp based because it really isn't. Sure, we've had a long line of established roleplayers taking on the position of Minister of Culture but hat doesn't mean the biggest priority as a ministry was rp, so I will be contusing to run interregional festivals, hold game nights and have fun events take place etc etc
Now, we vote. Those is favour may say Aye, those against may say no.
Since 24 hours have passed, I close voting. I think the Ayes have it, the Ayes have it. The nominee is confirmed.
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