citizenship application

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Federal Republic of Gorgun
Jan 10, 2021
I returned to UDS today and I am applying for my citizenship back 🐻

"I, Gorgun, do solemnly swear that I bear true allegiance to the Union of Democratic States, that I will faithfully obey and have read the laws and Constitution of the Union, and that I will never deceive, disrespect, damage, or otherwise neglect the Union of Democratic States."
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Citizenship Application
Congratulations! Your citizenship application has been approved; make sure to check out the Discord Server and Master Dispatch; and familiarize yourself with our laws and constitution. You now enjoy the freedom of speech, press, assembly, and petition, the right to due process and a speedy, fair trial, the right to run for and hold office, and the right to vote in the elections of the Union. You are also now a member of the General Assembly, the lower house of the Union's Legislature. I would like to welcome you to our region and wish you a happy, productive and exciting tenure.
Deputy Minister Of Census
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