Passed Amendment to Delegacy Act 2022

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The Devil
Oct 25, 2020


To amend the bill "UL-028 Delegacy Act (2021)"
Introduced into the Senate of the Union of Democratic States on the 6th of November, 2022, by Guess and CHeck
As follows:

NOTING the World Assembly Advisory Board (WAAB) was created primarily as a way to advise the World Assembly Delegate in the casting of their vote,
BELIEVING that it would be beneficial for the region to foster discussion about World Assembly proposals,
CONTENDING that an exclusionary body like the WAAB is not equipped to meet such a goal,
ACKNOWLEDGING that more flexible programs will provide the World Assembly Delegate with just as much, if not more, advice than the WAAB currently delivers,
BE IT ENACTED by the Senate:

Section 1: Amendments
1. Section Two and Section Three shall be struck null and void in their entirety.

2. Section One be re-written as follows:

Section One: Definitions and Short Title
1. This Act may be referenced as the “Delegacy Act”.

2. For the purposes of this act:
a.“The President” is the democratically elected head of the Union of Democratic States Executive Branch as certified by electoral commissioners in their duty as election officers.
b. The “World Assembly Delegate” or “Delegate” shall be defined as the lawful Delegate of the region, appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate as provided for in Article 3.13 of the Constitution.
c. The “General Assembly voting page” is the NationStates page found at ‘’.
d. The “Security Council voting page” is the NationStates page found at ‘’.”

2. A new Section Two shall be added below Section One and it shall read as follows:

Section Two: The World Assembly Delegate and the World Assembly Minister

1. The Delegate shall be given the duties of:
a. Approving World Assembly (“WA”) proposals as they see fit.
b. Casting a vote on a WA proposal at-vote following lawful procedure.

2. A Minister of World Assembly Affairs (“WAA Minister”) as appointed by the President shall be given the duties of:
a. Raising discussion about WA proposals.
b. Releasing recommendations on WA proposals as deemed appropriate.
c. Promoting a vibrant endorsement culture within the Union.

3. In the event there is no individual serving as WAA Minister, the Delegate shall assume the Minister’s duties for the duration of said vacancy.”

3. A new Section Three shall be added below Section Two and it shall read as follows:

Section Three: Voting and Approval Procedure

1. The Delegate shall, if no other obligation exists, vote or abstain on each WA proposal as they see fit.

2. Should the Delegate vote/abstain opposing the recommendation of the WAA Minister, they shall publicly explain their reasoning.

3. As Chief Diplomat, the President may direct the Delegate to vote for/against an at-vote WA proposal or approve/unapprove a WA proposal. The Delegate must follow the President’s directive.
a. Regarding a directive on an at-vote WA proposal, such a directive shall be given to the Delegate within 48 hours of the vote in question commencing. The Delegate shall execute the directive immediately upon receiving it.”
Thank you.

Senators, I propose this bill because I believe it is not enough for us to just have our Delegate just vote on things. The World Assembly can be a fun way to play the game, and in the past we have had WA-inclined players. Similar to how we have our own RP or our own military, it therefore makes sense to promote our own area of WA discussion for those players who enjoy it. While it may be that the WAAB could serve to foster a discussion environment, I personally feel having a system that isn't application based and is automatically open somehow to all Unionists or at least those with WAs will make some discussion more feasible (though not guaranteed). Thus, this bill abolishes the WAAB and implicitly grants more flexibility for the government to determine how it will hold WA discussions.

To facilitate this, I've proposed creating a Minister of WAA whose primary goal is to promote all WA things. The hope is that hopefully having the position as a Minister will make it a more accessible job for newcomers who may wanna do WA-related stuff.

To clarify a bit on voting procedures, the Minister's recommendations are not binding and the Delegate can vote how they wish. This is similar to a system I've seen in action in Refugia, and it's one I appreciate because I do think the Delegate does deserve to have some say in how they vote - they wield the seat, afterall. A Delegate voting contrary to a Minister's recommendation requires public explanation, so anyone whose confused on why our Delegate is voting differently can be simply pointed towards that statement. This may make our vote a bit disjointed at times, but the sacrifice is worth it to ensure we raise our officials' engagement with the WA (via the creation of a Minister) without completely nullifying what makes being WAD fun.

For FA purposes, the President retains the power to order the Delegate to vote a certain way.

I also have to note that our Delegate, Kade, has been trying to raise WA discussion in the WAAB - albeit not too successfully, and I'm unsure how successful alternate measures to raise WA discussion will be. But I feel it's worth giving a shot to ditch the WAAB and try something new - and anyways, if we really want to we can always keep the WAAB we always can. The WAAB doesn't need to exist in law.

I also didn't post this in the Discord for feedback because I've noticed I get demotivated if I leave a bill lying around too long. I do hope you all pass this, but if not I do understand and I'm willing to work on this further to ensure we can start pushing regional WA discussion somehow.
I kinda vibe whit this however I fear that no one would be interested in being "Ministers of WA" (maybe fancier name?). And your vibes are also little unsure about how it works out,and that makes me unsure sooo, derp can you say whit confidance that this will be usefull to the Union?
Inasmuch as I support flexibility where its relevant, I do wonder if - despite the good intentions of this bill - it will just become commonplace for the WAD to also serve as Minister of World Assembly Affairs (MWAA). In my personal view it would be better to attach such a position to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a Deputy Minister.

This is because the one unalloyed good this bill provides is a support structure for a resident WAD and, as Zuk said, a way for interested citizens to become more involved. I just believe a Deputy Minister and their own personnel within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be able to do so; I don't particularly find it important for MWAA to be a Cabinet position.
I agree with Kron. If I remember correctly, I did suggest that the President as chief diplomat should direct the WAD. Since the job of the MoFA is to conduct foreign policy, putting the WAD as a junior minister makes sense, and is easier to do.
Regardless, and even as I understand one of our Senators how not yet voiced through own thoughts, I feel as if there are no particular amendments to be taken here, and that we ought to vote on it.

As such, Lord Mister Speaker I motion to end debate, and vote
Apologies for the delay. I personally see no issue with the bill and plan on supporting this when it comes to vote.
Since there were no amendments proposed, we move to formal vote. Those in favour may say Aye, those against may say No.
Ayes to the right-4
Noes to the left-0
I think the ayes have it, the ayes have it. The Bill is passed.
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