Passed Confirmation Hearing of Duckstan as Minister of Roleplay of the Union of Democratic States.

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The Devil
Executive Cabinet
Oct 25, 2020
Honourable Zukchiva, President of the Union of Democratic States, has nominated Duckstan to the office of Minster of Roleplay of the Union of Democratic States. This is their confirmation hearing.
Duckstan has served as one of the RP staff's most active members. They were also cordially selected by the collective RP staff to represent the roleplay to the government. Given what I know of Duckstan and RP's confirmation of them, I firmly believe this nomination is the correct one to make for this office. Duckstan will do well.
I've been a part of the RP for just over 4 years now if my maths is correct. I have also been a part of the staff team since 2019 as a mediator so I believe I have enough experience to lead the community. Over the course of the term I'd like to make a few changes, notably reforming the roll system we have (I know Glac is working on a draft, so I'd be happy to collaborate).

I'll be happy to answer any questions.
I think the Ayes have it, the Ayes have it. The motion is approved. We now move to formal voting. Those in favour may say Aye, those against may say No.
Ayes to the right - 5
Noes to the left - 0
I think the Ayes have it, the Ayes have it. The motion is approved. Duckstan is confirmed Minister of Roleplay.
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