Passed A Motion to Ratify the Gemini Covenant

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The Devil
Executive Cabinet
Oct 25, 2020



To ratify the treaty named "The Gemini Covenant"
Introduced into the Senate of the Union of Democratic States on the 27th of November, 2021, by Guess and Check, Kingdom of Sacento, The Noble Thatcherites, and British Isles and Commonwealth Realms
As follows:


In the spirit of rekindling old fellowship, and believing that much good will emerge from renewed friendly relations, cooperation, and mutual support, between our two historic regions, we, the Union of Democratic States and the Free Nations Region, hereby ratify this promise of friendship.

Section 1: Mutual Recognition

1. The signatories recognize the government of the Union of Democratic States (herein “Union”), as established by the constitution and the laws of the same, as the sole legitimate government of the Union, and the government of the Free Nations Region (herein “FNR”), as established by the constitution and the laws of the same, as the sole legitimate government of the FNR.

2. The signatories recognize any legitimate legal successors to the recognized signatory governments.

Section 2: Diplomatic Relations

1. The signatories shall, to the best of their ability, continuously maintain in-game embassies with each other.

2. Each signatory shall, to the best of their ability, continuously maintain an off-site embassy with the other signatory and reserve for the other signatory an off-site embassy on their forum or any other facility that is ordinarily afforded to an ally.

3. The signatories shall, to the best of their ability, exchange diplomatic representatives with each other.

Section 3: Intelligence and Military Cooperation

1. Neither signatory shall engage in espionage, or the practice of obtaining confidential information under false pretenses, against the other.

2. The signatories shall provide information to each other if such information pertains to the security or well-being of the other, unless doing so would violate the terms of NationStates, off-site platforms, or the source of the information.

3. Neither signatory shall attack, conspire to overthrow or destabilize the legitimate government of, or conduct clandestine operations against, the other signatory.

4. Each signatory shall, to the best of their ability, aid the other, upon request, in the lawful transition of the World Assembly Delegate.

5. The signatories shall endeavor to cooperate on military operations, to the best of their abilities, outside of existing institutions.

Section 4: WA and Cultural Cooperation

1. The signatories shall, to the best of their ability, seek mutual cooperation in the World Assembly between their governments outside of institutional obligations.

2. The signatories shall, to the best of their ability, promote cultural cooperation through regular interregional events as an extension of their diplomatic alliance. To this end, the respective cultural officers of the signatories shall coordinate with one another.

Section 5: Operative Provisions

1. This treaty shall be ratified upon the completion of the respective lawful ratification processes of both signatories.

2. This treaty shall be deposited in a publicly accessible area of the community forums of both parties.

3. The signatories may, after a period of joint deliberation and drafting, clarify or amend the terms of this treaty through memorandums of understanding, which require ratification by the respective lawful processes of both signatories and shall be deposited alongside this treaty, pursuant to the preceding clause.

4. Following a good faith effort to preserve goodwill between the signatories and five (5) days’ written notification to the other signatory, either signatory may terminate this treaty, after which it is no longer binding on either signatory.

5. Termination of this treaty shall not in and of itself be interpreted as an act of aggression by the terminating signatory against the other signatory.
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I invite Honourable @Zukchiva President of the Union of Democratic States to give an opening statement.
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Honorable Senators,

I bring you a treaty with the Free Nations Region (FNR). FNR is a region which we've maintained cordial relations once upon a time; however difficulties ensued and said relations fell apart. Over the past few years, we've been working together to re-establish rapport, and both our regions have determined that now is the best time to formally re-establish the alliance we lost so long ago in light of our good relations over the recent few years. I'm sure that this alliance will be beneficial to both our regions.

I would like to thank Thatcher for his extensive advice in editing and refining the treaty, alongside Sacento's and Isle's advice on multiple facets of the treaty.
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I open debate. The senators are reminded that ratification of treaties goes through three stages; debate, vote and assent. No amendments shall be proposed to the treaty during this process.
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Mr Speaker, I ask for debate to close
We now move to formal vote. Those in favour may say Aye, those against may say No.
Ayes to the right - 5
Noes to the left - 0
I think the Ayes have it, the Ayes have it. The motion is passed.
Ayes to the right - 5
Noes to the left - 0
I think the Ayes have it, the Ayes have it. The motion is passed.
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